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Understanding the privacy and significance of our client’s confidential information, Weborative makes sure to use the information offered by our clients in the most resourceful way. We believe our customer’s confidentiality as the vital aspect of a long-term relationship with our clients. We give the guarantee to keep our client’s IP during the complete project cycle.

Non-Disclosure Agreement with Clients

To keep the confidentiality and security of information, a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) is implemented by our company with the client. All personal information is properly valued. Our resources intentionally explain,

  • What information is needed from the client?
  • What is the reason for accumulating it?
  • How we will use it and what are the phases covered in protecting it?
  • With whom the information sharing procedure will be approved – for security and authorized problems?
  • Rights for access to their information
  • Levels of risks related to this (illegal change, data loss, and more).

Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDAs) with Employees

  • It is very important for all employees to sign a developments agreement and proprietary information during joining. Separate NDAs are also signed with each and every employee at the time of joining.
  • Employees cannot involve in any sort of unjust or unaccepted practices upon connecting with any outside business during employment or execution of employment.
  • Employees are not allowed to disclose any copyrighted information directly or indirectly to anyone external to the company or project team, or use, issue, copy, remove or review such data from the company officials.
  • Any essential information got from the clients or third parties are held in strict confidence and employees are not allowed to use or disclose it, unless it is necessary to fix it with third parties.
  • Any sufficient records and innovative ideas have to be discovered by the company and all records and information pertaining to any procedure, design, service mark, technology, trademark, design, innovative work of authorship, finding, formula, patent, computer program, or copyright developed has to be directly shared with the company.

Confidential Document Control

Direct access to public mail systems is not permitted, and pen drives/writers are limited on all desktops and laptops. For utilizing the personal drives, it is essential to produce prior written authorization from the project manager.

We take a random check of emails that are sent from an administrator mailbox that exceeds enabled size (with or without attachments).

Use of Information

We use to maintain client’s information and their projects linked data. These data will remain protected with Weborative. We can use these data for some in-house reasons like server maintenance, site traffic, and client communication. The permission for this use of information is collected from the client at the beginning of development work.

Policy Change

We hold all the right to change, correct or alter our policy either partly or totally as per the conditions. However, we cooperate with our clients by informing them about any major correction in the policy that may affect their confidentiality with us.

If you have any queries regarding client confidentiality policies, please feel free to drop a mail at [email protected]

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